Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective
Rabbi Gary Derechinsky leads this enlightening and fascinating study of “The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective”. Based upon the seminal work of Messianic Jewish scholar, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, this study places Yeshua (Jesus) in His proper Jewish context as the long-awaited King of the Jews and Savior of the world. Yeshua was born into a Jewish household in a Jewish community. As a boy in Nazareth, He attended a Jewish synagogue where He memorized the Jewish Scriptures. Growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with both God and man, He never journeyed outside of the land promised to the Jewish patriarchs. He was immersed (baptized) by the last of the Old Testament Jewish prophets. His earthly ministry was spent among Jewish people. He was crucified, buried, and then rose again to provide proof of His redemptive power to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Gentile). We encourage you to take part in this captivating study … and invite a friend!
36 episodes
Life of Messiah 38 - The Resurrection of the King; Appearances; The Ascension of the King.
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 180-184).The Resurrection of the King; Appearances; The Ascension of the King.

Life of Messiah 37 - The Resurrection of the King; Opening of Tomb; Visit of the Women;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 169-179).The Resurrection of the King; Opening of Tomb; Visit of the Women; Reports to the Apostles; Appearances.

Life of Messiah 36 - The Procession to Calvary; The Crucifixion; The Burial of the Messiah; The Sealing of the Tomb.
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 163-168.The Procession to Calvary; The Crucifixion; The Burial of the Messiah; The Sealing of the Tomb.

Life of Messiah 35 - The Civil Trial; The First Trial Before Pilate; The Trial Before Herod; The Second Trial Before Pilate;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 159-162).The Civil Trial; The First Trial Before Pilate; The Trial Before Herod; The Second Trial Before Pilate; The Mockery.

Life of Messiah 34 - The Religious Trial; Annas; Caiaphas; Peter's Denial; Mockery & Beating; Sanhedrin Condemnation
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 154-158).The Religious Trial; Annas; Caiaphas; Peter's Denial; Mockery & Beating; Sanhedrin Condemnation; Death of Judas.

Life of Messiah 33 - The High Priestly Prayer; The Agony of Gethsemane
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 151-153).The High Priestly Prayer; The Agony of Gethsemane; The Arrest.

Life of Messiah 32 - The observance of the Passover Seder; The Promises and Admonitions by the King
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 148-151).The observance of the Passover Seder; The Promises and Admonitions by the King; The High Priestly Prayer.

Life of Messiah 31 - The Preparation for Messiah's Death; The Last Passover; The First Lord's Supper
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 140-148).The Preparation for Messiah's Death; The Last Passover; The First Lord's Supper, The Seder, The Hallel.

Life of Messiah 30 - The Prophecies of the King; The Church Age; The Fall of Jerusalem;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 139).The Prophecies of the King; The Church Age; The Fall of Jerusalem; The Great Tribulation; The Second Coming; The Regathering ...

Life of Messiah 28 - The Officieal Presentation of the King; Bethany; Triumphal Entry; The Authority of the King;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 128-133).The Officieal Presentation of the King; Bethany; Triumphal Entry; The Authority of the King; Cursing Fig Tree, Posession ...

Life of Messiah 27 - The Resurrection of Lazarus; The First Sign of Jonah; Rejection of the Sign of Jonah; Instructions in Prayer, Divorce,
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 118-127).The Resurrection of Lazarus; The First Sign of Jonah; Rejection of the Sign of Jonah; Instructions in Prayer, Divorce, Th...

Life of Messiah 26 - Instructions Concerning Discipleship, God's Attitude Toward Sinners, Wealth,
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 115-117).Instructions Concerning Discipleship, God's Attitude Toward Sinners, Wealth, Forgiveness, Service.

Life of Messiah 25 - .Instruction of the Disciples; Hypocrisy; Covetousness; Watchfulness; Faithfulness; The Effects of His Coming;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson’s “A Harmony of the Gospels” (Paragraph 108-111).Instruction of the Disciples; Hypocrisy; Covetousness; Watchfulness; Faithfulness; The Effects of His Coming; The Signs of th...

Life of Messiah 24 - The Conflict Over the Shepherd; The Witness of the Seventy; The Conflict Over the Question of Eternal Life;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 101-107).The Conflict Over the Shepherd; The Witness of the Seventy; The Conflict Over the Question of Eternal Life; The Example o...

Life of Messiah 23 - The Conflict Over the Light; The Conflict Over His Person; Messiah the True Object of Faith,
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson’s “A Harmony of the Gospels” (Paragraph 98-100).The Conflict Over the Light; The Conflict Over His Person; Messiah the True Object of Faith, the True Deliverer; The Conflict ...

Life of Messiah 21 - The Death of the King; The Kingdom; Revelation; Transfiguration; Elijah;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson’s “A Harmony of the Gospels” (Paragraph 83-91).Instruction — The Death of the King; The Kingdom; Revelation; Transfiguration; Elijah; Faith; Sonship; Humility; Pride.

Life of Messiah 20 - Instruction Concerning Defilement; The Reception in Tyre and Sidon
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 77-82).Instruction Concerning Defilement; The Reception in Tyre and Sidon, Decapolis, Magadan; Warning Against Rejection; The Conf...

Life of Messiah 19 - The Death of the Herald; The Training of the Twelve by the King; The Feeding of the 5,000;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 71-76).The Death of the Herald; The Training of the Twelve by the King; The Feeding of the 5,000; Messiah's rejection of Offer of ...

Life of Messiah 18 - Power Over Nature, Demons, Disease and Death, Blindness; The Final Rejection in Nazareth
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 65-70).Power Over Nature, Demons, Disease and Death, Blindness; The Final Rejection in Nazareth; Witness in View of Rejection - P...

Life of Messiah 17 - Revelation in View of Rejection; The Course of the Kingdom Program in the Present Age - Public Parables;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 63-64).Revelation in View of Rejection; The Course of the Kingdom Program in the Present Age - Public Parables; The Repudiation o...

Life of Messiah 16 - The Rejection of the King by the Leaders; The Unpardonable Sin; The New Policy
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 61-62).The Rejection of the King by the Leaders; The Unpardonable Sin; The New Policy Concerning Signs (for that Generation).

Life of Messiah 15 - Recognition of Yeshua's Authority in Capernaum; Recognition of His Authority Throughout the Land.
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 55-60).Recognition of Yeshua's Authority in Capernaum; Recognition of His Authority Throughout the Land.The Controversy Over ...

Life of Messiah 14 - Messiah's Authority to Interpret the Law; The Characteristics of True Righteousness
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraph 54).Messiah's Authority to Interpret the Law; The Characteristics of True Righteousness; The Code of True Righteousness; The Condu...

Life of Messiah 13 - Messiah's Authority Over the Sabbath ... through the controversy over grain;
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T.Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 50-54).Messiah's Authority Over the Sabbath ... through the controversy over grain; through the healing of a man with a withered ...

Life of Messiah 12 - Messiah's Authority over Tradition - Why the Jewish Leaders Rejected Yeshua
The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective. Based on A.T. Robertson's "A Harmony of the Gospels" (Paragraphs 48-49).Messiah's Authority over Tradition - Why the Jewish Leaders Rejected Yeshua: Development of Rabbinic Tradition; History a...